Hospital appointment

Life is messy, right now it feels messier than it normally is. Tuesday the 17th of Nov (yesterday), I had an appointment at Aleris Hamlet in Søborg. It’s a private hospital located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The orthopedic surgeon I had an appointment with, had to examine my knee that I dislocated a little over a month ago. Denmark got this 30 day rule, to make sure the patients are seen to and helped in the health system before the 30th day. If that cannot be done, you are as a danish citizen in your right to go to a private hospital, on the country’s dime so to say. I really like that we get this sort of treatment, it’s important to have that kind of safety net to rely on. I’m very fortunate and I know that.

The appointment went as I had feared really, I got told that my kneecap is very loose, it’s so loose that I can dislocate it up to a 40 degree angle, which means that I need surgery. I honestly knew that I would need surgery deep down, but it still got to me and it still messed up all my plans for the future, which we will have to postpone until I have had my surgery and have recovered.

I don’t know which type of knee surgery I need yet, there’s a few to choose from, and they need me to get an MRI-scan / Magnetic Resonance Imaging, I got warned that there’s a waiting list, the max amount of time is two weeks though, so I’ll manage I hope..

The orthopedic surgeon told me, that it was highly possible that I would need a bone realignment – also called a Fulkerson Procedure. I’ve read up on the procedure and there’s several different types. But this procedure is by far the most complicated and the one with the longest rehabilitation period, which really scares me shitless to be honest. It’s a messy procedure and the bone needs a long time to heal. The knee can get very stiff and the tendons surrounding the knee could also tighten due to no movement in a long period of time, which will requires a lot of physiotherapy.

I know if I won’t get it fixed, it will lead to early onset arthritis, due to being dislocated again and again. It’s my second time to dislocate my kneecap, because it’s the second time, I need an operation to stabilize my kneecap in the future, but the MRI-scan will show which type I will need.

Walking out of the surgeons office, I felt like crying. I’m anxious to be honest, knees are so fragile and I don’t want to even think about the complications such a surgery have, if something were to go badly.

I’m in a lot of pain right now, I’m currently lying in bed, trying to get some rest, but I can’t seem to. At the hospital, the surgeon needed to move my kneecap whilst I had it bent, so he could determine how loose it was and in which angle it could possibly dislocate and that hurt… It still hurts. I know It’s stupid to get so worked up about an operation, but in all honesty, I’ve never had an operation before and I hate that I need one now. Especially on my knee, I can hardly stand my fiancé even trying to touch my knees due to having my right kneecap dislocate twice.. So the thought of an operation isn’t fun, to put it mildly.

The pain from dislocating the kneecap alone is.. Indescribable! The first time it happened, I ended up going into myself, in a type of shock. The only thing I really remember is being in so much pain that my lips felt numb. After that you start feeling fragile in a whole new type of way! It’s crazy..

So the news I got yesterday weren’t nice, it was what I had expected, but it still made me upset. I hope that I won’t need to wait for several months for the surgery, that would really mess me up, the anguish of waiting a long time.. But I’ll take it one day at a time, now I need the MRI and then the orthopedic surgeon will decide which type of surgery is needed.

I hope you guys are staying safe during this COVID19 pandemic and are healthy and keeping your spirits up. It gets stressful during times like these, one bad thing rarely happens without several other bad things following suit.. It’s said it always comes in threes, but I have personally long surpassed three, I’m on my second hand, and I’m still counting.. The year isn’t over yet! Yep, 2020 haven’t been the amazing year that I had hoped for, there’s been so much pain, loss and worry, but behind every cloud, there’s the sun. Hopefully we all get to feel some sunshine and happiness soon.

I’ll see you online, take care x

My saturday!

New hair color (again) and a new blending technique!

So this is my new hair color, I regretted the red color that I colored it after only about a day, it was originally a ”copper” but it was bright orangey red at the top and a bit more red at the tips of my hair, this new one I will keep though! Its also from Schwarzkopf – Natural and easy and is no 576 and its a chestnut brown, I love the deep dark brown with an undertone of a dark almost red/purple copper. It suits my skintone a lot better than the red/orange. I am and always will be a ”natural look” girl, haha!img_0311-2

I got to practice a lot more on my contouring with my Smashbox kit, as you can see on the pictures above, I still make sure its as natural as possible, I just enhance my features – mainly my cheekbones, I now started blending it in with my make-up sponge, but applying the color with my brush, then blending it with my sponge, and it works wonders! It blends perfectly, I saw it on several Youtube videos being used to blend out the lines.

Today I got a call from my big sister asking what we were up to today, her and her youngest kid stopped by and we spend all Saturday catching up, going to an e cig shop called Ecigz where my fiancé bought a few juices and my big sister also bought a few things, then getting takeout from Tandoori Hut in the mall that the shop is at and went home to ours to eat. We had a lovely evening, I missed her and it was amazing catching up with her.

Her son had saved up money from Christmas to buy a Segway board and we charged it at our place and it was good fun to see him learn how to stand on it, he was quite good! He learned so fast, it was incredible – I wasn’t gonna try my luck with that thing! Knowing me, I would break something haha! Those things looks so dangerous, I would never dare to use one, it seems to me that you can hurt yourself very easy on one of those things, or is it just me being a chicken? It drives crazy fast!

Today its been snowing like crazy, it has snowed so much today in my town that the snowplow we have at the building blocks we live in, have been driving non stop. Denmark is covered in a deep layer of snow now, the last time I looked outside, huge snowflakes were streaming down in a neverending layer, covering everything. Its beautiful outside, the snow makes it look perfect, but its freezing cold and very slippery. I feel like an old lady, walking outside in a turtle slow pace, so I dont slip – cause I always slip when its been snowing and the rain has been freezing all over the pavement, it will end up with me breaking something if I walk any faster than granny speed..

It was a great day today, I love weekends, especially when I get to spend them with my fiancé, my big sister and her son.