Post surgery update

Sorry for being M.I.A for so long! I’ve been very busy to put it mildly and I haven’t had any interest in writing at all, it’s been a complete roller coaster of ups and downs to be honest.

I had my surgery which was: Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy, an mpfl reconstruction and a keyhole surgery, where they removed some mucus glands. My Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy (TTO), was the biggest procedure. I had to have my shin opened up and a part of the top of my tibia had to be cut and placed lower on my tibia due to my kneecap not catching the groove in my knee, this is called “patella Alta” and means that your kneecap sorta hovers above your groove in your knee and never really tracks properly. The mpfl reconstruction aka medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, is where you get a new ligament that holds your kneecap in place, the ligament often gets damaged every time you dislocate your kneecap and this was done by two incisions on the inside of my knee, placing an artificial ligament on my kneecap / patella with screws, and tracing it down to my femur, where you attach is there too also using screws.

Below is a more visual explanation of what’s been done to my knee / leg, one of the pictures is a bit graphic, but I promise that there is no blood. It’s basically just showing stitches and sterile strips.

A more clear view of what’s been done ☺️

It was scary, I have to admit that. I tried to keep my head clear though and managed to go through with the entire surgery without any major issues. The part where they had to put me under full anesthesia was the worst, I hate giving up any type of control, so I was fighting the drugs, but ended up being out anyways – luckily! 😅 When I woke up, I spoke English.. The doctors were a little surprised, but as soon as I found out that the poor male nurse next to me wasn’t my fiancé and that he was speaking Danish to me, I switched to danish! (My fiancé is from England and moved to Denmark to live with me)

I woke up completely confused and it felt like no time at all had passed. Although two hours went by, just like that! My surgeon was brilliant and the procedures went smooth. I was in such a hurry to get out of the hospital and home that I was a bit annoyed that I had to have a nasal cannula on.. I kept moving it cause it was annoying me and I had no idea why they were actually using it! (When my brain cells finally started to function, I figured that my oxygen levels must have been low and that’s why I needed it on). After I was cleared on my oxygen intake, they gave me some food and something to drink, I swallowed the hospital food that they gave me and without even being asked, I started to try and get dressed – much to the amusement of the patient lying next to me, due to me huffing and puffing and trying to get my legs to work. 🙈 I was in the car, on my way back home in like less than half an hour of waking up. I just wanted to go home. 😅

Day three was by far the worst… I was in utter agony, my leg was throbbing and I felt like I had to throw up. The drugs that the hospital had given me must have worn off completely by then and I was really feeling the pain that day. But after day three, things slowly got better and better – after week two I stopped with the heavy Oxycodones and was only taking regular Paracetamol and ibuprofen. I’m quite happy with that decision.

Below I’m posting some pictures of my recovery, from day one, to the current state of my leg. So a warning in advance, that the pictures might be a tad graphic.

As you see, I removed my own stitches. It was mainly because I wanted to avoid the pandemic, which was at its highest and I also knew how to remove them myself due to my education. My surgeon gave me the all clear to remove them after ten days, I gave it one more day, just to be sure and then I removed them. It went very well and I had no issues whatsoever.

I had to have an ankle support on, I am still using it when I walk, because my ankle and foot have been in a lot of pain whenever I put weight on my leg. Don’t worry, my physiotherapist had a look at it and nothing is broken, it’s probably just sprained or agitated due to the surgery. When wearing the ankle support and shoes with good arch support when I walk, I feel almost no pain.

My knee is still stiff and I’m still fighting to get it to bend more, on week two I was at 65 degrees, at week three I was at 95 degrees and now more than a month post op, I hope I’ve come a lot further! Time will only tell.. The 8th of feb, I’m going to a checkup with my physiotherapist, she will be able to measure the degrees that I bend, I really hope I’ve come further than the 95 degrees, I’ve been trying to work out as much as possible at home and I hope I can try to just do that for now and have regular checkups once a week or every two weeks to check my progress. That way I’ll avoid the pandemic as much as possible!

If you want to see more pictures and videos of my recovery, you can follow my journey on Instagram and see my progress from day one on my highlights, my name on Instagram is “Lifeasmiamariah”. ❤️

I hope you are staying safe, thank you so much for reading along! See you online x

Busy life!

Our mini summer holiday trip to Jutland

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on my blog, and that’s such a shame! In my defense, It’s been a really busy and chaotic couple of months, with my last internship at the hospital during COVID19, my final exam prep, then my exam, house DIY, the temp job I found and then getting hired as a fully educated health care assistant! (TWO places!) 😆

The internship at the hospital was chaotic to put it mildly.. Our internship got postponed six whole weeks, and then shortened down to six weeks, and not the twelve weeks we were normally at the hospital for. All of this was due to COVID19 and the uncertain times we had in Denmark. During all of this, we were also moving out of the apartment and into our house, it was a mess! But I was very determined to not let it stop me in getting my education! It was rough but I finished my internship, passed and then went on to my exams, alone!

Loads of de-weeding was needed!
Working as an intern at the hospital

My exams went brilliantly and I passed with no issues! I chose my topic to be about diabetes and the issues it causes and how to help a patient with newly diagnosed diabetes. I loved my topic and did a lot of research. The teacher I had was amazing and I felt quite reassured during the whole writing process, which can seem like an endless black hole for me, because I never really fully trust the process. 🥴

Exam prep was crazy, but I ended up doing “poolside studying” 🥴

The day I passed was the best day ever, I was just so relieved and happy! I’m a health care assistant now and I’m proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished. This type of job makes me insanely happy and I feel fulfilled in this line of work.

The day I passed my final exam
Got my health care assistant pin!

I found my place when I started this education, I really did. It made me the adult that I wanted to be and the sort of human I can be proud of. When my exams were over, I started thinking of where I felt like working.. And where I moved to, the town right next to mine, had this care-center for elderly, and every time I drove past, I just wanted to go in and say “hire me” 😆 So when I was fully educated, and it was during the start of July, I called and asked them if they needed an assistant, maybe as a summer temp job, and I had an interview a few days after and I was hired instantly as a vacation temp! 😃

I managed to get one full week of “vacation” whilst working as a temp at the care home and we went to north Jutland.
We experienced driving at the beach, and parking right next to the sea, it was amazing!
The trip home was beautiful but long!

After being hired as a temp, I got told that they were searching for a full time assistant at the care home, and I applied to that position and also to a position at a new ward being created at a hospital not far from where we live. This new ward that was being made, were for lung patients, so it was an interesting position. I ended up getting a call for the hospital first, and got asked to come for an interview, and I did. The day after I was told that the position was mine if I wanted it. I was in two minds, because I really loved the job at the care home and my colleagues there. The week after I was at an interview for the position at the care home and I was told the same day that the job was mine if I wanted it, so I decided to stay where I was with my colleagues. 😍

Then COVID19 restrictions hit again, and we are getting tested once every two weeks at work, the first day we needed to get tested was on my day off and I was feeling ill and strange, so I put a mask on and got tested outside of the care home.. 🥴 Luckily my test was negative and I “only” had a mild flu, which resulted in five days off, that sucked! 😔

I took a double shift due to staff ringing in sick – 15 hours later I looked just about dead! 😂
My mask made me look like a burglar.. 😳 FYI I look even worse on this picture due to the flu!

It’s been a busy time for us at the house, but we are getting much more done in the living room, it looks amazing already, it’s being painted as we speak and we have gotten our new acoustic panels home from, to cancel out the room reverberation. They are beautiful, I can’t wait to move into the living room! 😆

The acoustic panels
Another picture of the panels
Painting the living room 😂

I hope you guys are staying safe and that you keep social distancing, I know it’s hard, but we need to kill this pandemic! Our new restrictions in Denmark are due to people not distancing enough and it’s upsetting me, but I’ll keep distance and protect the patients at the care home where I work! ❤️

Hopefully you have had a good week and are having a nice weekend too!