Home & health update

A little sneak peek into our home, I love how it’s turned out, the homemade wooden shelves, our furniture and the constant beautiful natural light that’s always streaming into our dining room and living room. We’ve tried to keep everything a bit rustic with a countryside feel to it and still be true to our own style.

It’s been rough at my last physiotherapy session, my knee hurts like hell and there’s something inside of it that just feels wrong somehow. Like every time I try to bend it, something inside of my knee pinches and I feel this intense stabbing pain. This also happens when I try to stretch my leg out after having tried to bend it.. It kinda feels like something is pinched / stuck inside of my knee, it’s a really strange and scary feeling.

I can’t sleep on my right side at all, my whole right side of my shin is so uncomfortable to sleep on and also my shin is numb, so it’s impossible to sleep on my right side. I feel no nerve improvement at all, I am scared that I won’t regain any feeling back, especially since I haven’t experienced any improvement, not even a little. But if I never dislocate my kneecap ever again, it’ll still be worth it. I just hope that the pain goes, it’s quite hard to live with that stabbing and burning sensation, every time I take a step, try to bend or stretch my leg.

My other leg hurts as well, due to the constant weight I put on it to compensate for my bad leg. It’s an evil circle really and it’s draining both physically and mentally. Right now I’m lying in bed, trying to rest both my knees. One due to surgery and the other due to overcompensation, my good knee feels so sore and uncomfortable. I hope I’ll be able to sleep tonight, but it’s been many months since I had a good nights sleep. Since the accident at work to be honest. It’s complete torture to have a sleep pattern like this and to be woken up due to pain.

My scars look better, but the small one near my knee is atrophic. It itches, burns and it feels really tight. I apply Bio-Oil on all my scars, both morning and evening and massage the scar tissue. But this one scar still causes me a lot of grief. I hope it’ll start to soothe.. The one on the inside of my knee is very discolored still, I hope it will disappear though, but at least it’s not as bad as the one near my knee.

I have an appointment with my surgeon the 9th of March, I hope he can help me figure out what the pain in my knee could be and what to do with this scar. I really hoped it would have been almost invisible, the way I was stitched actually gave me every possibility for the scar to be tiny.

It wasn’t a big or wide scar, so I hope that it’ll heal and look nice and invisible at some point. But I don’t know much about scarring or their healing process. I’ll have to speak to my surgeon and see if there’s still hope for the scar to get thinner and less bumpy. I’m crossing my fingers and hope I won’t need another surgery to remove the atrophic scar.

This shows how small the scar actually was.

The weather has been beautiful these past few days. The sunshine has been a very welcome friend, that I have enjoyed as much as possible. I long for summertime and warm weather, flowers and to be able to pick cherries on our tree in the garden.

What do you miss the most right now? Life pre COVID19? Summer? Traveling? All valid things to miss. Honestly most of all I miss being able to sleep at night, not worrying about my knee and to be able to run and to kneel.. Pretty simple things to be honest, but important.

Hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend and that good things are coming your way! See you online. x

Beautiful beach vibes

Lately I’ve been spoiled with some awesome products and I want to share a bit of my favorites with you guys!

The theme is of course: Beach vibes! Because it’s summer and in Denmark, the weather is insanely hot, perfect for a day at the beach.

ESSIE: Gel setter and Treat, love & Color

Through the years, Essie has become this “power brand” regarding nail varnish, and I adore the colors and the long lasting formula that it has, these two (from the left) is a Gel Setter top coat, it not only works as a top coat, but it also tints your varnish in a purple/pink hue, very cute! And the second one is a nail treatment varnish, that keeps your nails strong, it’s from Essie’s “TLC” collection, this color is “Mauve-Tivation” and is a soft purple/pink tone, and I love it, very summery. These two polishes together, lasted without chipping one single bit, a WHOLE week, rather impressive!

ECOOKING: Lip balm with pomegranate

– The danish store called “Matas” has a new collab partner called “Beame.”, and through “Beame.” there’s been a bunch of beauty highlights, that is on sale for that month, one of the June highlights, is the gorgeous Ecooking lip balm that you see on the picture above, and it’s insanely good! It’s all organic, raw and natural ingredients that the woman behind Ecooking is using, and who doesn’t love that?? I have this baby in my work bag, and it’s on my lips most weekdays! The scent of pomegranate that this lip balm has is amazing without being too much – a very natural scent.

HH SIMONSEN: The wet brush

I’ve been a fan of this brush since it first came on the market a billion years ago, it is simply amazing! No tangles, no ruined hair and best of all – such a fantastic design, I repurchase this brush every time I need a new brush, they truly are worth the fuss.

ESSIE: Fairy Tailor

I cant get around being in love with Essie, it’s affordable and the varnish just lasts ages, this time I’ve chosen to highlight this nude varnish – This baby is insanely cute and would go perfect with that natural beach look! You know the “casual minimal makeup” kinda vibe? This is your varnish for that occasion! (Or just for work, as I use it for!) it’s not over the top, just subtle, I like.. Again it lasts about a week, and I am a busy bee, I normally make my varnish chip in about a day or two!

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