Home & health update

A little sneak peek into our home, I love how it’s turned out, the homemade wooden shelves, our furniture and the constant beautiful natural light that’s always streaming into our dining room and living room. We’ve tried to keep everything a bit rustic with a countryside feel to it and still be true to our own style.

It’s been rough at my last physiotherapy session, my knee hurts like hell and there’s something inside of it that just feels wrong somehow. Like every time I try to bend it, something inside of my knee pinches and I feel this intense stabbing pain. This also happens when I try to stretch my leg out after having tried to bend it.. It kinda feels like something is pinched / stuck inside of my knee, it’s a really strange and scary feeling.

I can’t sleep on my right side at all, my whole right side of my shin is so uncomfortable to sleep on and also my shin is numb, so it’s impossible to sleep on my right side. I feel no nerve improvement at all, I am scared that I won’t regain any feeling back, especially since I haven’t experienced any improvement, not even a little. But if I never dislocate my kneecap ever again, it’ll still be worth it. I just hope that the pain goes, it’s quite hard to live with that stabbing and burning sensation, every time I take a step, try to bend or stretch my leg.

My other leg hurts as well, due to the constant weight I put on it to compensate for my bad leg. It’s an evil circle really and it’s draining both physically and mentally. Right now I’m lying in bed, trying to rest both my knees. One due to surgery and the other due to overcompensation, my good knee feels so sore and uncomfortable. I hope I’ll be able to sleep tonight, but it’s been many months since I had a good nights sleep. Since the accident at work to be honest. It’s complete torture to have a sleep pattern like this and to be woken up due to pain.

My scars look better, but the small one near my knee is atrophic. It itches, burns and it feels really tight. I apply Bio-Oil on all my scars, both morning and evening and massage the scar tissue. But this one scar still causes me a lot of grief. I hope it’ll start to soothe.. The one on the inside of my knee is very discolored still, I hope it will disappear though, but at least it’s not as bad as the one near my knee.

I have an appointment with my surgeon the 9th of March, I hope he can help me figure out what the pain in my knee could be and what to do with this scar. I really hoped it would have been almost invisible, the way I was stitched actually gave me every possibility for the scar to be tiny.

It wasn’t a big or wide scar, so I hope that it’ll heal and look nice and invisible at some point. But I don’t know much about scarring or their healing process. I’ll have to speak to my surgeon and see if there’s still hope for the scar to get thinner and less bumpy. I’m crossing my fingers and hope I won’t need another surgery to remove the atrophic scar.

This shows how small the scar actually was.

The weather has been beautiful these past few days. The sunshine has been a very welcome friend, that I have enjoyed as much as possible. I long for summertime and warm weather, flowers and to be able to pick cherries on our tree in the garden.

What do you miss the most right now? Life pre COVID19? Summer? Traveling? All valid things to miss. Honestly most of all I miss being able to sleep at night, not worrying about my knee and to be able to run and to kneel.. Pretty simple things to be honest, but important.

Hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend and that good things are coming your way! See you online. x

Life, love and the future!

Lately I am trying to get ready for my education and trying to get our home clean and good looking! Strange – but true none the less..

Let’s just be honest, I have never ever been the stay at home wife kind of woman! I am messy and a typical “oh where did I put that stupid remote, I know it’s here somewhere” kind of person, everywhere I seem to go, I leave a trail of mess behind me, and I don’t mind much, but I got older and more aware of it, and I am actually changing – who knew?! 😂

I never thought that day would come, where I keep thinking that I need to do the laundry else it would pile up, or I would remember to put all my make-up back in perfect order, else it would look cluttered and messy, but lately I do. (Or ever since my fiancé moved in!) My fiancé have had a very good influence on me I have to say, he has made me see how lovely our home can look when it’s clean and organized and he is good at reminding me to just put things back after using them, it’s much easier than running around cleaning at the last minute, before guests arrive, or when you get too annoyed at the clutter!

I think being engaged to him has somehow made me more grown up, more determined and less messy, and yeah it sounds so cliché, but he makes me into a better person. 

I make little to do lists now, I make grocery lists, I make sure to always plan ahead on shopping so we never need anything badly and I feel amazing for doing so! Who the hell am I and where is Mia?! 😜

We have started to sort out food, so we do a “cooking list” where we write what food we wanna cook and on what day, it’s gotten so much easier to prepare meals and shop for them, that’s the God honest truth.. Thank god for lists! (Oh dear I’ve become like my mother!) 

So right now I am passing time at home, waiting for the 29th of February, by cleaning and making my little “stay at home wife” lists! I am not perfect at it, but I’m getting there.

Do you guys have any strange lists you make? I am thinking I might need more lists in my life, cause it keeps you organized and I want 2016 to be the year of organization and calm, and my lists makes me more calm and a lot less stressy and forgetful – who dosnt what that?

Here is a few pictures of our home right now, we are constantly redecorating, because we wish for a different look in our bedroom and living room right now – we have started to save up for a new bed as we speak, cause the one we have now is terrible!

Our new Danish designer table, lamp and chairs! The chairs are pretty well known in Denmark and are called the 7 chair from Arne Jacobsen, the table is a Fritz Hansen and the lamp is from Fritz Hansen too. Now we just need some more pictures up on the walls, but it starting to look very cozy already.


My fiancé changed the paintings a few months ago, so now my bedroom screen painting is in the living room and vice versa, it really suits it a lot better! The lamps are old Japanese lamps and my sofa is white leather – I know white, but I love it. It looks so good now after we got the floors sanded down in the hallway and the living room.